Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New year, new location and a new life!

So here we are, a couple of years later and I am back; Ilona IS in Angola!

After Xmas I took my suitcase and started my voyage towards the southern hemisphere, which I shall refer to from now on as home! I arrived in good time but in not so good shape (after several flights and airport deaths) to celebrate the beginning of the year 2011!

My boyfriend lives and works in Luanda, Angola, where hopefully I will find something groovy to do! So far I have done the following: sweating, spreading an equal amount of sun block and mosquito repellent on my body, sweating, sleeping, sweating, having several showers during the day, sweating, swimming, sweating, eating a bit, and more sweating... It is HOT! And I realise that I exchanged -23˚c into +37˚c, but never did I think it would be this difficult to get my body familiar with this heat. They say it might take a couple of weeks before I get used to it and stop sweating like a sprinkler...

But I am lying a bit, since I have done some cool things already: we went camping on the beach one weekend, to the Surfers' Beach; Cabo Ledo, where the waves are pretty high! And what we did last weekend, was to take out the boat and go to my boyfriend's family summer cottage in a place called Mussulo. Mussulo looks like an island on the coast, but is in fact a peninsula, and apparently quite the trendy place to be during the weekends. Not surprising as the water seems cleaner on that side and the waves calmer. It is perfect!

My goals for now are to learn Portuguese, experience Angola and hopefully Africa, find a great job and have fun! While doing that I will keep on writing this blog and sharing my experiences in this new culture of mine.
(Now I wish I had kept a blog in China, cause lets face it- we had some really crazy shit going on there!)

I'm off to eat cod fish! Ta taa!


Anonymous said...

i want to visit that Mussulo place you mentioned! oh how much i miss being close to paradise! yes, should have kept a blog while you were in beijing sista! but hey, memories last forever ;)

Unknown said...

Hiya Ilona! Finally in Angola huh! Good on you! Enjoy Africa. I'm back in Beijing and keep running into old familiar faces. Instead of spring starting Mr. Hu decided to press the ' let it snow' button so it's all white here.

Keep well! And I'll be an Ilonaoinangola follower!

